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Air Carrier Financial : Schedule P-5.2
Latest Available Data: June 2024 Databases    Data Tables    Table Contents
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Field NameDescriptionSupport Table
Flying Operations
51230 - Pilots And Copilots (000)
51240 - Other Flight Personnel (000)
51281 - Trainees And Instructors (000)
51360 - Personnel Expenses (000)
51410 - Professional And Technical Fees And Expenses (000)
51437 - Aircraft Interchange Charges (000)
51451 - Aircraft Fuel (000)
51452 - Aircraft Oil (000)
51470 - Rentals (000)
51530 - Other Supplies (000)
51551 - Insurance Purchased - General (000)
51570 - Employee Benefits And Pensions (000)
51580 - Injuries, Loss, And Damage (000)
51680 - Taxes - Payroll (000)
51690 - Taxes - Other Than Payroll (000)
51710 - Other Expenses (000)
51990 - Total Flying Operations (000)
Direct Maintenance - Flight Equipment
52251 - Labor - Airframes (000)
52252 - Labor - Aircraft Engines (000)
52431 - Airframe Repairs (000)
52432 - Aircraft Engine Repairs (000)
52437 - Aircraft Interchange Charges (000)
52461 - Materials - Airframes (000)
52462 - Materials - Aircraft Engines (000)
52721 - Airworthiness Allowance Provisions - Airframes (000)
52723 - Airframe Overhauls Deferred, Credit (-) (000)
52726 - Airworthiness Allowance Provisions - Aircraft Engines (000)
52728 - Aircraft Engine Overhauls Deferred, Credit (-) (000)
52780 - Total Direct Maintenance - Flight Equipment (000)
Applied Maintenance Burden - Flight Equipment
52796 - Applied Maintenance Burden - Flight Equipment (000)
52990 - Total Flight Equipment Maintenance (000)
Net Obsolescence And Deterioration - Expendable Parts
70739 - Net Obsolescence And Deterioration - Expendable Parts (000)
Depreciation - Flight Equipment
70751 - Airframes (000)
70752 - Aircraft Engines (000)
70753 - Airframe Parts (000)
70754 - Aircraft Engine Parts (000)
70755 - Other Flight Equipment (000)
70756 - Total Depreciation (7075.1 - 7075.5) (000)
Amortization Flight Equipment
70761 - Amortization Expense - Capital Leases - Flight Equipment (000)
Expense Of Interchange Aircraft
70981 - Flying Operations (000)
Aircraft Operating Expense (Direct Operating Expense)
70989 - Total Aircraft Operating Expense (Direct Operating Expense) (000)
Other Depreciation and Amortization (Non-Flight Equipment)
70741 - Amortization - Developmental And Preop. Expense (000)
70742 - Amortization - Other Intangibles (000)
70758 - Depreciation - Maintenance Equipment And Hangars (000)
70759 - Depreciation - General Ground Property (000)
70762 - Amortization - Capital Leases (000)
Traffic Elements
Z6500 - Total Aircraft Airborne Hours (000) - The time the aircraft leaves the ground until the time it touches the ground again.
Z8100 - Aircraft Days Assigned (000) - The number of days the aircraft (owned or leased) is available for service.
Z9210 - Aircraft Fuel Issued in gallons (000) - The amount of fuel issued during the reporting period for revenue and non-revenue flights.
Aircraft Information
Aircraft ConfigurationGet Lookup Table
Aircraft GroupGet Lookup Table
Aircraft TypeGet Lookup Table
Carrier Information
An identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airline (carrier). A unique airline (carrier) is defined as one holding and reporting under the same DOT certificate regardless of its Code, Name, or holding company/corporation.Get Lookup Table
Unique Carrier Code. When the same code has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is used for earlier users, for example, PA, PA(1), PA(2). Use this field for analysis across a range of years.Get Lookup Table
Unique Carrier Name. When the same name has been used by multiple carriers, a numeric suffix is used for earlier users, for example, Air Caribbean, Air Caribbean (1).
Code assigned by IATA and commonly used to identify a carrier. As the same code may have been assigned to different carriers over time, the code is not always unique. For analysis, use the Unique Carrier Code.Get Lookup Table
Carrier Name
Unique Entity for a Carrier's Operation Region.Get Lookup Table
Carrier's Operation Region. Carriers Report Data by Operation RegionGet Lookup Table
Carrier Group NewGet Lookup Table
Carrier Group Code. Used in Legacy AnalysisGet Lookup Table
Time Period Information
Quarter (1-4)Get Lookup Table