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Domestic Tarmac Times by Airport
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Data available through October 2024. Please limit search using dropdowns to a single calendar year. Data begins with January 1995. See New Tarmac Time Data Q&A. for explanation of reporting changes in October 2008 and August 2011.
AirportTarmac TimesStage of OperationDeparting Flights*
TotalPercent of Regularly Scheduled FlightsPrior To CancellationMultiple Gate DepartureTaxi-OutTaxi-InAt Diversion Airport
Philadelphia, PA (PHL)700.0725172224103,290
Newark, NJ (EWR)340.031712230119,334
Chicago, IL (ORD)330.01913470266,212
New York, NY (LGA)280.021413100136,606
Houston, TX (IAH)220.02381100140,068
New York, NY (JFK)190.02910000102,942
Baltimore, MD (BWI)160.0222001283,096
Nashville, TN (BNA)160.024416184,577
Charlotte, NC (CLT)130.01030100211,034
Washington, DC (IAD)100.023005266,658
Orlando, FL (MCO)100.0115040133,276
Detroit, MI (DTW)90.0118000110,557
Fort Lauderdale, FL (FLL)80.017100076,366
Washington, DC (DCA)80.0121050119,907
Dallas/Fort Worth, TX (DFW)80.0012050264,410
Atlanta, GA (ATL)70.0033010285,523
Miami, FL (MIA)50.012003091,035
Denver, CO (DEN)50.0014000262,185
Cincinnati, OH (CVG)40.011210037,099
Colorado Springs, CO (COS)30.030101110,851
Omaha, NE (OMA)30.010011120,200
Memphis, TN (MEM)30.012100020,556
San Antonio, TX (SAT)30.010000335,553
Tampa, FL (TPA)30.000210065,367
Corpus Christi, TX (CRP)20.04000024,882
Greer, SC (GSP)20.011100014,276
Jacksonville, FL (JAX)20.011001025,451
Indianapolis, IN (IND)20.001100040,450
Calgary, Canada (YYC)1 00001 
Pueblo, CO (PUB)1 00001 
Nassau, The Bahamas (NAS)1 00001 
Newburgh/Poughkeepsie, NY (SWF)10.3000001334
Rockford, IL (RFD)10.1400001702
Flint, MI (FNT)10.04000012,411
Gulfport/Biloxi, MS (GPT)10.03000013,471
Punta Gorda, FL (PGD)10.02001005,017
Pasco/Kennewick/Richland, WA (PSC)10.02010005,064
South Bend, IN (SBN)10.02000015,446
Baton Rouge, LA (BTR)10.02010005,521
Harrisburg, PA (MDT)10.01000017,684
Columbia, SC (CAE)10.01000018,574
Springfield, MO (SGF)10.01000108,864
Bozeman, MT (BZN)10.01001009,684
Madison, WI (MSN)10.010000110,968
Asheville, NC (AVL)10.010001011,342
Fayetteville, AR (XNA)10.010100012,468
Sarasota/Bradenton, FL (SRQ)10.010010013,419
Des Moines, IA (DSM)10.010001013,507
Syracuse, NY (SYR)10.010000113,878
Tulsa, OK (TUL)10.010000115,861
Savannah, GA (SAV)10.010100017,544
Norfolk, VA (ORF)10.010000119,108
Charleston, SC (CHS)10.000100022,257
Milwaukee, WI (MKE)10.000100026,103
Cleveland, OH (CLE)10.000000136,457
Houston, TX (HOU)10.000000147,905
Honolulu, HI (HNL)10.000000151,353
Portland, OR (PDX)10.000001059,909
Austin, TX (AUS)10.001000072,285
San Diego, CA (SAN)10.001000079,587
Salt Lake City, UT (SLC)10.001000095,107
Minneapolis, MN (MSP)10.0000001107,347
San Francisco, CA (SFO)10.0010000112,247
Phoenix, AZ (PHX)10.0001000160,723
Total Airports3840.011141211788446,300,544

Note: Tarmac times for all flights by airlines reporting on-time data are available beginning with October 2008 data. From January 1995 through September 2008, airlines reporting on-time data reported only taxi-out and taxi-in times. Airlines currently reporting on-time data.

Note: Reporting changes due to mergers. Joint reporting begins after Federal Aviation Administration approval of a single operating certificate.
* Jan. 2006: US Airways (US) and America West (HP) start to report combined on-time data in January 2006 as US Airways (US).
* Oct. 2007: US Airways (US) and America West (HP) start to report combined traffic and financial data as US Airways (US).
* Jan. 2010: Delta (DL) and Northwest (NW) start to report jointly as Delta (DL).
* Jan. 2011: Continental Micronesia (CS) and Continental Airlines (CO) start to report jointly as Continental Airlines (CO).
* Jan. 2012: United (UA) and Continental (CO) start to report jointly as United (UA).
* Jan. 2012: Atlantic Southeast (EV) and ExpressJet (XE) start to report jointly as ExpressJet (EV). For data through December 2011, use the code EV for Atlantic Southeast, which will be displayed as (EV) ExpressJet, and the code XE for ExpressJet, which will be displayed as (XE) ExpressJet (1). Beginning with January 2012 data, use the code EV for ExpressJet.
• Endeavor (9E) operated as Pinnacle prior to August 2013. Envoy (MQ) operated as American Eagle prior to April 2014.
• Southwest (WN) and AirTran (FL) began reporting jointly as WN in January 2015 following their 2011 merger announcement.
• American (AA) and US Airways (US) began reporting jointly as AA in July 2015 following their 2013 merger announcement.

Note: Numbers found here may differ from those previously available on the BTS website and on the Air Travel Consumer Report. Beginning with the release of May 2010 data, lengthy tarmac times are measured as more than 3 hours (181 minutes plus). Previous releases used the measurement of 3 hours or more (180 minutes plus). 2-hour and 1-hour tarmac times have been changed to conform. Data from previous months on this application have been revised but may differ from the previously-released Air Travel Consumer Report Tables 11 and 12, which were not revised. Air Travel Consumer Report Tables 11 and 12, beginning with the release of May 2010 data in the July report, will reflect the change in measurement.

Note: Click on page headers, it will redirect to detail carrier summary of that specified link

Explanation of Stage of Operation
Prior to Cancellation: Flight left the gate but was cancelled at the origin airport
Multiple Gate Departure: Flight left the gate, then returned and then left again to resume normal operation. Tarmac time is the time before the return to the gate.
Taxi-out: The time between gate departure and wheels-off
Taxi-in: The time between wheels-on and gate arrival
At Diversion Airport: The tarmac time at the alternate airport

* Departing flights reported by 18 airlines reporting on-time data.

The number of reporting carriers has varied as follows:
1995: 10
1996: 10
1997: 10
1998: 10
1999: 10
2000: 10 (11 starting in November when Aloha Airlines started reporting for the first time)
2001: 12 (11 starting in November when Aloha Airlines ceased reporting for the first time)
2002: 10
2003: 17 (18 starting in November when Hawaiian Airlines started reporting)
2004: 19
2005: 20 (19 through April after which Frontier Airlines started reporting)
2006: 20 (19 through March after which Aloha Airlines started reporting for the second time)
2007: 20
2008: 19 (20 through February after which Aloha Airlines ceased reporting)
2009: 19
2010: 18
2011: 16
2012: 15
2013: 16
2014: 14
2015: 13 (14 through June after which American and US Airways began joint reporting)
2016: 12
2017: 12
2018: 17 (18 through March after which Alaska Airlines and Virgin America began joint reporting)
2019: 17
2020: 17
2021: 17