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U.S. Department of TransportationU.S. Department of Transportation IconUnited States Department of TransportationUnited States Department of Transportation
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: HazH9a (1997)
   Database Profile   Data Tables   Table Profile
Latest Available Data: 1997All Rows Shown
Field NameDescription
SctgCodeStandard Classification of Transported Goods code 
CommodityDescCommodity Description 
UsValueValue of total US shipments (in millions) 
HazmatValueValue of hazardous materials shipments (in millions) 
HazmatValuePercentHazmat as percent of total value 
UsTonsTons of total US shipments (1000 tons) 
HazmatTonsTons of hazmat shipments (1000 tons) 
HazmatTonsPercentHazmat as percent of total tons 
UsTonMilesTon-miles of total US shipments (1000 tons) 
HazmatTonMilesTon-miles of hazmat shipments (1000 tons) 
HazmatTonMilesPercentHazmat as percent of total ton-miles 
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