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Data Profile: Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41 Financial Data)
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Air Carrier Financial Reports (Form 41 Financial Data)
The Form 41 Financial Reports contain financial information on large certified U.S. air carriers. Financial information includes balance sheet, cash flow, employment, income statement, fuel cost and consumption, aircraft operating expenses, and operating expenses. This data is collected by the Office of Airline Information of the Bureau of Transportation Statistics.
Large certified carriers hold Certificates of Public Convenience and Necessity issued by the U.S. Department of Transportation authorizing the performance of air transportation with annual operating revenues of $20 million or more.
* For reporting requirements, please see Electronic Code of Federal Regulations (eCFR)
* For explanations of what is included in the financial schedule fields, see the Financial Reporting Categories (Item List Guide) | Bureau of Transportation Statistics (
* For more reporting guidance from the Office of Airline Information for air carriers, see the Accounting and Reporting Directives | Bureau of Transportation Statistics (
First Year1990
Last Year2024
FrequencyVaries by schedule
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Schedule B-1
This table contains quarterly operating balance sheet statements for large certificated U.S. air carriers with annual operating revenues of $20 million or more, and includes on the balance sheet items as cash, short-term investments, accounts receivable, long-term debt, accounts payable, and salaries and wages. Notice: Numbers in B1 now follow the format of common public financial documents, such as reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or company financial statements. This format reverses signs from the accounting format in which numbers appeared prior to 10/18/2006 (Examples). For historical comparisons or time series research, please download all historical data again
Schedule B-1.1
This table contains semi-annual operating balance sheet statements for U.S. air carriers with annual operating revenues of less than $20 million, and includes such items as cash and cash equivalents, notes, accounts receivable, long-term debt, accounts payable, and other current liabilities. Notice: Numbers in B-1.1 now follow the format of common public financial documents, such as reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or company financial statements. This format reverses signs from the accounting format in which numbers appeared prior to 10/18/2006 (Examples). For historical comparisons or time series research, please download all historical data again
Schedule B-43 Inventory
Annual Inventory of Airframe and Aircraft Engines.
Schedule P-1(a) Employees
Monthly Interim Operations Report of Air Carrier Employment.
Schedule P-1.1
This table provides semi-annual profit and loss statements for carriers with annual operating revenues of $20 million or less, and contain such items as operating revenues, operating expenses, depreciation and amortization, operating profit, income tax, and net income. Notice: Numbers in P-1.1 now follow the format of common public financial documents, such as reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or company financial statements. This format reverses signs from the accounting format in which numbers appeared prior to 10/18/2006 (Examples). For historical comparisons or time series research, please download all historical data again
Schedule P-1.2
This table provides quarterly profit and loss statements for carriers with annual operating revenues of $20 million or more. The data include operating revenues, operating expenses, depreciation and amortization, operating profit, income tax, and net income. Notice: Numbers in P-1.2 now follow the format of common public financial documents, such as reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or company financial statements. This format reverses signs from the accounting format in which numbers appeared prior to 10/18/2006 (Examples). For historical comparisons or time series research, please download all historical data again
Schedule P-10
Annual Employee Statistics by Labor Category
Schedule P-12(a)
This table contains monthly reported fuel costs, and gallons of fuel consumed, by air carrier and category of fuel use, including scheduled and non-scheduled service for domestic and international traffic regions. Data since 2000 are available for major, national, and regional air carriers subject to reporting requirements. For earlier data, go to Fuel Cost and Consumption 1977-1999.
Schedule P-5.1
The table contains aircraft operating expenses for large, and medium regional air carriers. The data for large regional carriers are available on a quarterly basis, while for medium carriers data are available semiannually. The table includes information about direct flying expenses, maintenance expenses, equipment depreciation and rental costs, and total operating expenses.
Schedule P-5.2
The table contains detailed quarterly aircraft operating expenses for large certificated U.S. air carriers. It includes information such as flying expenses (including payroll expenses and fuel costs), direct expenses for maintenance of flight equipment, equipment depreciation costs, and total operating expenses.
Schedule P-6
These data contain quarterly operating expenses, by objective grouping, for carriers with annual operating revenues of $20 million or more, and include such items as salaries, benefits, materials purchased, services purchased, depreciation, amortization, food, and other operating expenses.
Schedule P-7
This table contains quarterly operating expense statements, by functional grouping, for large certificated U.S. air carriers, and includes such items as aircraft operating expenses, passenger service expenses, advertising and publicity expenses, total operating expense, and other expense items.
   Summary Tables
   National Transportation Statistics
Air Carrier Profile
General Aviation Profile
   Related Links
Air Carrier Financial Data press releases
Air Carrier Summary Data
Airline Employment Data by Month
Airline Fuel Cost and Consumption
Form 41 Traffic Statistics
Scheduled service financial data tool (2000-present)
   Terms and Definitions
Air Traffic LiabilitiesThe value of transportation sold but not used or refunded; i.e., (1) liabilities to passengers, or (2) liabilities to others. These include payables to other airlines for portions of interairline passenger trips - amounts the ticketing carrier owes the performing carrier. Also included are amounts the ticketing carrier owes to passengers prior to flights - which remain unearned revenue until air transportation is provided.
Aircraft And Traffic Servicing ExpensesCompensation of ground personnel, in-flight expenses for handling and protecting all non-passenger traffic including passenger baggage, and other expenses incurred on the ground to (1) protect and control the in-flight movement of the aircraft, (2) schedule and prepare aircraft operational crew for flight assignment, (3) handle and service aircraft while in line operation, and (4) service and handle traffic on the ground after issuance of documents establishing the air carrier's responsibility to provide air transportation.
Aircraft Operating ExpensesExpenses incurred directly in the in-flight operation of aircraft.
Airline IDAn identification number assigned by US DOT to identify a unique airline (carrier). A unique airline (carrier) is defined as one holding and reporting under the same DOT certificate regardless of its Code, Name, or holding company/corporation. Use this field for analysis across a range of years.
Carrier CodeCode assigned by IATA and commonly used to identify a carrier. As the same code may have been assigned to different carriers over time, the code is not always unique.
Certificate Of Public Convenience And NecessityA certificate issued to an air carrier under 49 U.S.C. 41102, by the Department of Transportation authorizing the carrier to engage in air transportation.
Commercial OperatorA person who, for compensation or hire, engages in the carriage by aircraft in air commerce of persons or property, other than as an air carrier or foreign air carrier or under the authority of 14CFR375. Where it is doubtful that an operation is for compensation or hire, the test applied is whether the carriage by air is merely incidental to the person's other business or is, in itself, a major enterprise for profit.
Flight EquipmentAll types of property and equipment used in the in-flight operation of aircraft.
Flying Operations ExpensesExpenses incurred directly in the in-flight operation of aircraft and expenses related to the holding of aircraft and aircraft operational personnel in readiness for assignment for an in-flight status.
Form 41 Financial StatisticsThe statistics collected on the financial forms submitted monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually to BTS by each large certificated air carrier subject to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958. The four classes of financial and operating statistics collected on individual schedules of the Form 41 Report are grouped as follows: (A) Certification, (B) Balance Sheet Elements, (P) Profit and Loss Elements, and (T) Traffic and Capacity Elements.
Form 41 ReportThe schedule of forms submitted monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually to BTS by each large certificated air carrier subject to the Federal Aviation Act of 1958.
Full-time Equivalent Employee (FTE)The number of full-time equivalent employees equals the number of employees on full-time schedules plus the number of employees on part-time schedules converted to a full-time basis. Two part-time employees are counted as one full-time employee. An airline's number of full-time equivalent employees will be less than the number of its total employees unless it has no part-time employees.
Large Certificated Air CarrierAn air carrier holding a certificate issued under 49 U.S.C.41102, as amended, that: (1) Operates aircraft designed to have a maximum passenger capacity of more than 60 seats or a maximum payload capacity of more than 18,000 pounds; or (2) conducts operations where one or both terminals of a flight stage are outside the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (same as Large Certified U.S. Air Carriers)
Large Certified U.S. Air CarriersAn air carrier holding a certificate issued under 49 U.S.C.41102, as amended, that: (1) Operates aircraft designed to have a maximum passenger capacity of more than 60 seats or a maximum payload capacity of more than 18,000 pounds; or (2) conducts operations where one or both terminals of a flight stage are outside the 50 states of the United States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. (same as Large Certificated Air Carrier)
Maintenance ExpenseAll expenses, both direct and indirect, specifically identifiable with the repair and upkeep of property and equipment.
Non-Scheduled ServiceRevenue flights, such as charter flights, that are not operated in regular scheduled service.
Nonoperating Income And ExpenseInterest income and expense, unusual foreign exchange gains or losses, and capital gains or losses in disposition of property and equipment.
Operating ExpensesExpenses incurred in the performance of air transportation, based on overall operating revenues and overall operating expenses. Does not include nonoperating income and expenses, nonrecurring items, or income tax.
Operating RevenuesRevenues from the performance of air transportation and related incidental services. Includes (1) transport revenue from the carriage of all classes of traffic in scheduled and nonscheduled services, and (2) nontransport revenues consisting of Federal subsidy (where applicable) and revenues for services related to air transportation.
Other Transport-Related RevenueRevenues from services such as in-flight sales, rentals and sales or services, supplies and parts.
Passenger Service ExpensesCost of activities contributing to the comfort, safety, and convenience of passengers while in flight or when flights are interrupted. Includes salaries and expenses of flight attendants and passenger food expenses.
Promotion And Sales ExpensesCost incurred in promoting the use of air transportation generally and creating a public preference for the services of particular air carriers. Includes the functions of selling, advertising, and publicity, space reservations, and developing tarrifs and flight schedules for publication.
Scheduled ServiceTransport service operated persuant to published flight schedules, including extra sections and related nonrevenue flights.
Traffic Related ExpensesExpenses incurred due to traffic solicitor salaries, traffic commissions, passenger food expense, traffic liability insurance, advertising and other promotion and publicity expenses, and the fringe benefit expenses related to all salaries in this classification.
Transport-Related ExpensesAll expense items applicable to the generation of transport-related revenues.
Transport-Related RevenuesRevenues from the transportation by air of all classes of traffic in scheduled and nonscheduled service.
Unique CarrierUnique Carrier Code. It is the Carrier Code most recently used by a carrier. A numeric suffix is used to distinguish duplicate codes, for example, PA, PA (1), PA (2). Use this field to perform analysis of data reported by one and only one carrier.
Unique Carrier EntityUnique Carrier Entity. This field distinguishes entities used by two or more carriers with a numeric suffix, for example, 06038 and 06038 (1).
Unique Carrier NameUnique Carrier Name. It is the name most recently used by a carrier. If two or more carriers have the same most recent name, a numeric suffix is used to distinguish them, for example, Air Caribbean, Air Caribbean (1).
   Data Source and Contacts
Data Provider AgencyOST_R/BTS
Data Provider OfficeOffice of Airline Information
BTS ContactTranStats Customer Support
Phone:(800) 853-1351